
Status: h e l l o l o v e
Joined: January 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146282
Location: South Carolina
Gender: F
h i p s t a   p l e a s e .

i  a m : 

t a y l o r  l e i g h

i n  l o v e  w i t h : h a z z a , b o o - b e a r,
D J m a l i k , n i a l l e r , a n d l e e - y u m

a n  a r t i s t ,  w r i t e r  a n d  c r e a t i v e  m i n d

a s k  m e  a  q u e s t i o n ?
Layout made by _RandomRequests

Quotes by last_breath

miraculous love
chapter 17: matts pov

 "okay its your turn, why did you never check back up on me? like with meg or holden?" i asked, she took a deep breath and sighed. o gosh whats wrong. 
"well, first off i thought you were dead, so i was in a mode of depression for a year. so i didnt want anything to do with any details of what you suffered. so i just didnt contact any one." she started.
"but what about later, did you ever get over it?"
"yea. well, this is kinda hard to tell you but i met this guy."
"oh," i was surprised. had she really? "what was he like."
"his name was murphy. he was very kind but he wasnt comparable to you at all." i smiled, thats always good to hear.
"but, even though he was nice, he became abusive and i couldnt get out."
i leaned over the table worried, i also didnt want her to have to say it to loud.
"what do you mean?"
"i dont want to talk about it. i had my mom end it cuz i couldnt before i came here."
"oh. why couldnt you end it." she crouched down.
"i was scared matt. i dont ever want to go back!" she started to cry so i grabbed her hand.
"dont worry kylie, ill always be here for you. i promise, wait i pinky promise." i held up my pinky and she interlocked hers with mine. just like old times.

so sweet. and im on writers block... what needs to happen! please help!!!!

miraculous love
chapter 16: aprils pov

"kylie?!" matt said in shock... which i knew he would.
"hey!" i said as i ran over to him and gave him a big hug. it was kinda like seeing him for the first time, even though i had seen him before. it was like a big reunion! matt stood speechless so i grabbed his arm and pulled him to his car, "come on, we have a date to get to!" i said with a wink. he was still in shock so i grabbed his hand and made it open my door and i slid into the car. "okay boy, you ready to go?" truthfully i was veryy happy and still in shock from when i found out that matt was james, but i really should have seen that coming with all the hints that meg was dropping. 
"this is crazy!" he said as he sat down and cranked up the car. he put his hands behind his head and just sat there for a second. i allowed it, i mean he just find out i was his long lost love... so i didnt blame him.
"okay, you had your time to pull it all together, but im hungry and i know my parents are sitting outside wondering whats going on, and you have a lot of explaining to do."
"fine, lets go, and you have some explaining to do to." he said as he smiled like a kindergartner that was just given and bucket full of candy and a puppy. we drove to the nearest pf changs, the one that we had gone to on that valentines so many years ago. we took our seats and ordered our food, then we started talking. 
"how are you alive?!" i started off, "i got the mortuary in the mail, and it said you were dead." i leaned over and poked his cheek, "but here you are... all alive and breathing." 
"well i was actually in a coma. so my mom had already anticipated me dieing, the doctors even said i was going to die that day, so when i went into a choma, she thought i was for sure dead. she had already written a memorial that was at the newspaper company just waiting to be printed. so when i went out, she had it printed immediately, before they realized i was just in a choma. i shunned her after i woke up." 
"wow..." i sat there for a second and took a sip of tea, "thats crazy, but your hair... its not...."
"blonde, i know. when you loose all your hair, like in chemo, sometimes it can grow back a different color." 
"cool. so this time its brown... i like it. why the name change?"
"i wanted to start over, i didnt want to be known as james... because ive had such a bad history behind that name. you even knew that after just being at our school for a semester. so when i was fully recovered and my hair grew back a different color, i decided to change my name, but its only my middle name." 
as he finished i chuckled, when he asked why, i responded, "april is my middle name, its crazy how we think alike."
"okay its your turn, why did you never check back up on me? like with meg or holden?" i took a deep breath and sighed.

cute :) <3 crazy that this story is getting so long!!!!

miraculous love
chapter 15: matts pov

the week passed by fast. but day by day i grew more and more anxious. what did she have to tell me? finally it had been a week so i texted april for where we need  to meet up. she told me to pick her up at her house and find a quiet place to hang out... she must be pretty serious. holden and i had been hanging out a lot this week so we were just finishing up playing Black Ops. 
"you nervous?" holden asked.
"psh. why would i be nervous?" i said shakily trying to hide the face that i really was slightly nervous.
"maybe because youve been shaky all day." well it was true.
"your right, im gonna go jump in the shower and start getting ready." 
"kay, then im gonna get going then." 
"aight." i headed up and started to get ready for our date. at 6 o clock i headed to aprils house. i was kinda nervous what she needed to tell me... i was still confused on how she figured out that i was james. this also meant that tonight was going to be of complete explanation, like why i never contacted her, how im still alive, ect. i pulled up to aprils house and brushed off my jacket. i could feel the summer breeze accross my fore head and through my hair. my knees began to shake as i rang the door bell. 
"have fun sweetie." i heard her mom yell as she ran to the door. 
"i will." her voice was all sing songy and happy. the door handle turned and i made a big step back and took a deep breath in. her door flew open and i couldnt believe my eyes.

kylie! kylie! kylie! yay for kylie! ha ha ha :) time for the date of fun :D

miraculous love
chapter 14: megs pov

that night kylie april faith came up with a plan. 
"your sure that the die is wash out?" i asked, she had died her hair so dark it looked like it would at least keep it light brown and not return to its natural state. 
"ya, i just need to wash it a bunch and really hard, too." 
"well then lets get started washing." 
she ran upstairs  took out her contacts and jumped in the shower and began to wash. her bathroom was reasonably big, and not being a creeper or anything, i sat in there while she washed her hair and we chatted. she was behind a shower curtain! it wasnt like i was going to sit there awkwardly in her room all alone. 
"so what did matt say?" i asked about the 3rd wash. 
"he was kinda speechless... he has no clue that im kylie i bet. thats why i wanted to get this dye out so he will believe me, or else he will think that im crazy. 
"i get ya." i sat there awkwardly for another few washes, "holden text me and asked if i had told you."
"you had not. you just said i wasnt wrong. ha ha ha!" i laughed along with her. 
"hows it going in there? is it coming out." it had been atleast an hour. 
"uh... can you hand me my pjs?" she asked as she turned the water off. i did so, and sat there anticipating my old friend again. she stepped out from behind the curtain. the die was completley gone and she had her normal eye color. 
"beautiful. he is going be speechless." she dried her hair with a towel to get the water out and then blow dried it. she had really pretty blonde hair in the first place, so i have no clue why she would die it so dark. 
"you really think so."

yay for old kylie! :D ha ha ha ha... so do you think i should find pics of what they all look like... would you like that?

miraculous love
chapter 13: matts pov (yes matts pov)

"james?" april said on the other side of the phone. my heart stopped for a second and i looked over at holden, "what?"  he mouthed, i shook my head and motioned i would tell him in a second. he started to shoot some hoops while he waited for me to finish. we were at his house playing basketball.
"james. ive gotta talk to you. i dont care if its now... it can be a week if you like. but you have to tell me everything, and i have to tell you something too." 
"uh okay... a week then?" i replied setting the "talk" we needed to have. especially since she now knows about my old life, did meg tell her?
"ya, see you then, james..." 
"matt, i go by matt now."
"erm. kay, bye matt." she seemed uncomfortable with using my middle name, james matthew cooper. and what did she have to tell me? and why a week? questions like this flooded into my head. 
"was that... april?" holden asked. it seemed like he was about to call her by another name.
"uh... ya." i said as i scratched my head. "she know im james... i think meg told her." holden whipped out her phone and began to type... 
"ill ask meg...." he told me as he sent the text, "um. no she said she didnt. she wouldnt lie to me. she knows better than to lie to me." he said with a smirk, "what was the last thing you told her or anything you said tonight that would make her think that you were james?" 
"well i told her about kylie, and that she was my first kiss."
"well she asked me... anyway, when i told her kylies name she looked like she had seen a ghost or heard her mother call bloody murder from inside the house. maybe she used to know kylie...? well i dont know how thats possible. but she did say that she had to tell me something later, like in a week... i dont know why a week, but o well." 
"well then, all we have to do is wait." he picked up the basket ball from his last shot and tossed it to me, and we resumed our game.

yea... i did skip megs pov this time, but it will be her pov in the next chapter :)

miraculous love
chapter 12: aprils pov

whoa. meg was sitting on the couch staring at me with a smirk. "sooo how did it go." she asked. i sat down and tried to catch my breath. "he said.... he said he dated me?" 
"what?!" she looked happy for some reason, but i was terribly confused, "what do you mean?"
"well, he told me that i reminded him of a girl he used to like a long time ago, and i asked who she was but he wouldnt tell me." 
"he said he would think about it. and he says that he dated kylie faith.... im kylie faith, and the only guy i dated down here was. . . james. o my gosh meg! is matt james? he is! he is! how is that possible?! i knew it!" wow it took me forever to figure that out.
"well im not telling you that, you are going to have to ask him yourself." 
"im calling him." i grabbed the phone and found his contact and clicked call. i started to shake as the fone began to ring. i looked over at meg who was smiling like a drunken hobo. 
*ring* how was this possible, this is crazy... i got the mortuary with his name and everything.
*ring* its crazy, the fact that he really is alive...
*ring* i mean how... he was really close to death, what if im just making this up, but the way meg smiled....
"hello? april?"

:) okayyy sooo were getting closer and closer!

miraculous love
chapter 11: matts pov

the whole way back to the house i pondered whether or not i should tell april about kylie. i mean first off why was she so curious. i looked over at her, she looked half awake and had her head on my shoulder. it was crazy how well we got along already. it was like we had met before, and we were just picking our relationship back up after a long separation. call me crazy but i had wondered if she could somehow be kylie or kylies clone or something, but there was no way i was going to tell holden or meg that, they would call me crazy. 
they too had been acting all weird since the concert. like they knew something amazing that i wasnt alowed to know and they werent planning on telling me. 
we got to kylies old house/aprils current house and dropped meg and april off. as they headed off into the house i grabbed april's shoulder, "night." i said. kinda shaky, was i really going to tell her about kylie... or should i do it later? 
"night" she said as she turned towards the door again. 
"erm.... april wait."
"her name.... that other girl."
"what was it...?" she smiled a killer smile.
"her names kylie.... kylie faith."
the blood drained from her face like i had said something terribly wrong. but she looked like she was trying to keep her cool, 
"cool, um night matt." she tried to pull out a smile and ran inside. had i said something wrong?

noooo april! tell him tell him who you really are! yes... i may or may not tell my writing what to do... :)

miraculous love
chapter 10: megs pov

holden smiled at me as we turned around and looked at matt and april together. i was the only one that knew that it was just a broken relationship placed back together by pure fate and a crazy miracle. i wanted to tell holden so bad that april was kylie, but i knew she would kill me. i dont know why she was hiding her identity, i guess she's just really hurt still. 
"i think were pretty good match makers, hm?" holden said as we watched them dance. 
"i guess you could say that." i smirked. maybe i could tell him, and make him promise that he wont tell any one that he knew... maybe.
"what do you mean by that?" he replied confused.
"what if i told you that its more fate than two friends putting two other friends together?"
"i barely know april so i wouldn't consider her a friend yet." 
"i beg to differ."
"what do you mean? ive never met her."
"yes you have."
"uhm.... no. no i havent."
"not as april you havent, but at kylie you have." o gosh i just told him.
"what?! april is kylie?" he seemed shocked, kinda angry i hadnt told him sooner, and happy all at the same time.
"you cant tell matt and you cant tell april you know! kay?" i told him with the most serious face you can pull at a moment like this.
"i promise, but. but, this is crazy!!!" 
"you cant tell. shhhhh. they will figure it out soon enough." i looked back over at them as they danced and kissed her. they were so happy together and i knew that they were meant to be together. 
i just knew that they would come back together, somehow, someway.

im typing as fast as i can. :D glad to see i have atleast 5 readers :) its getting better so im not as bored with it. soo... idk :) ill finish this story, promise!

miraculous love
chapter 9: aprils pov

i loved this song. matt put his arm around me and started to sing along to the lyrics. he was a pretty good song. i looked down at me and grabbed my hand and whispered, "follow me." in my ear. he pulled towards the back of the park where it was less crowded and the noise was alot quieter. 
"what are we doing here?" i asked, he pulled me close and started to dance. 
"i thought we would get away from the crazy crowd and talk a little." 
"ah, so how long have you been at dustin?" i asked... i knew he was new, because i didnt remember him from when i was here 3 years ago.
"well i came the summer after 9th grade."
"hm... thats why i dont recognize you, i left right after the final day of ninth grade." i replied, his face looked suprised.
"cool... cool. where did you used to live?"
 "well ive lived pretty much in every state known in the US. my dad likes to move around alot. especially when i was a child. but he has tried to stay in the same generall area for my high school year. i lived in charleston for a year then moved to dustin for a year and have stayed in charleston since now... and well here i am."
"so you used to be good friends with meg?" he seemed to be getting more and more curious by the second.
"ya... well when i first came i think she wasnt to fond of me. but we became really good friends." he looked dazed as i responded, like i had reached back to his past somehow, "have i offended you?" i asked. 
"um. no. i just. its just that you remind me of someone i used to know." he said staring down at me with his dreamy eyes. i felt like i had been in this position before, with james
"uh not to get personal, but who do i remind you of?" i asked batting my eyelashes. 
"a girl i met a long time ago. its nothing, just forget about it." he leaned down and kissed me softly.
"how many girls you kissed then?" i smiled curiously.
"why do you want to know?"
"you look like a guy that would have gone through this routine before?"
"you really think that?" he seemed offended.
"uh..." i really didnt want to hurt him, "how many girls, just tell me that. i tend to see deeper into people than other people see. its a gift i have."
"a gift, huh?" 
i smiled back and nodded.
"kay, then guess how many girls ive kissed." he asked.
i looked him over and made a wild guess, "hm.... 14+"
"your way off." he smiled, he leaned and kissed me. "your the second."
"whose the first?" 
"that girl i was telling you about."
"what was her name."
"oh... i dont like to bring it up."
"pretty please!" i said as i poked his belly with my pointer fingers. "please!" 
"ill think about it..." he said. all seriousness on his face, "but for now" he kissed me hard, "lets stay quiet." 

long chapter :) they just keep getting closer and closer to figuring out who each other is... do i have readers? 

miraculous love
chapter 8: megs pov

i stepped up to the door of aprils house. ironically it had been kylies old house. holden stood beside me with a smile on his face. i heard someone grab the door handle and start to turn it, "mom! i got it!" i heard april yell. i heard a thump thump thump thump thump as meg and april ran downstairs. the door swung open and the two girls stood there with big smiles on their faces. april looked stunning. her hair was really pretty curled and her tank made her icy blue eyes pop.
"ready to go?" holden asked. the girls nodded. meg ran up to holden and put her arm around his waist. i held my forearm out for april to hold as i escorted her to the car.
"you look... amazing." i whispered in her ear. she stood on her tip toes and whispered back, "you dont look half bad yourself."
i smiled and opened her door. she slid in to the seat and i followed. we got to pizza inn and ate fast. we wanted a decent view of the concert. the park was already packed when we got there. i grabbed april's hand as we weaved through the packed crowd. i held my breath as we squeezed through the drunks. i hated the smell of beer and achol. and smoke. we found a open area and meg pulled out a large blanket and spread it out over the grass. we took a seat as we waited for the band to play. april pulled out some homeade lemon custards her mom had made out of her large bag and passed it around. they were really good, sweet and tart. when the band came out the crowd went crazy! we stood up for the first few songs. i noticed that april was having a good time. i stuck my arm around her and she moved in closer. the band started sing CRUSH by David Archeleta... i hummed along to the lyrics....

I hung up the phone tonight,
Something happened for the first time,
Deep inside it was a rush, what a rush,
Cause the possibility that
You would ever feel the same away about me,
It’s just too much, just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth,
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized,
And I just got to know


Do you ever think, when you’re all alone,
All that we can be, where this thing can go,
Am I crazy or falling in love,
Is it real or just another crush

so i found this song and thought it was adorable and fit along perfectly!
:) i havent been getting to many comments latley... and ya know how they make me smile... :D

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