
Joined: May 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 172833

life's a climb but the views great 

hello, I'm Marisa.i'm not good at these soo 
ask me if you wanna know anything


if I had three wishes,
                          I’d give back two, cause my only wish is to be with you.


Quotes by xomarisaxo

i want a 

witty bestfriend ♥
one that will not just say im thoer best friend but talk to me and become my bbest friend


Three things I want in a relationship:
eyes that won't cry, lips that won't lie and love that won't die
Wiz Khalifa


Life would be perfect if:
if some girls had mute buttons. X
some guys had edit buttons. !
///////// bad times had fast forward buttons. 8

& good times had pause buttons. ;

i'm probably
in the sky flying with the fishes 

or maybe in the ocean swimming with the pigeons 

see my world is 


you don't
understands me. stop acting like you do


if I had three wishes,
                          I’d give back two, cause my only wish is to be with you.

D Of   Wi ?

 M y   d i c t i o n a r y   s a y s :

witty |ˈwitē|
adjective ( -tier , -tiest )
showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor

I say:

My home. My friend. My   e s c a p e . I can log on after a bad day & instantly feel better by just typing in my password. Witty is full of beautiful girls that understand me & what I'm going through. It makes me feel like I'm not alone. If I'm in a bad mood, I just think to myself "You can go home after & log onto Witty " & a true smile appears on my face. Witty is the only one who knows every single thing about me- from my flaws to my secrets. Just by typing in www.wittyprofiles.com in the search bar, you can find my life story. The quotes on here make me laugh, cry, smile, & feel on top of the world. This website gives me hope. It makes me more happy than I could ever describe. It's honestly changed my life.

This website means  e v e r t h i n g  to m

picture's worth a thousand words,
song is worth a millon,
But the tears falling from my eyes?
Yeah, those are worth
a billion. notmine

                              the best things
                                                                      in life are unseen
                                                 that's why we close
our eyes  when we
                             kiss, cry & dream
         Everyone is always waiting for their
                knight in shining armor
I'm waiting for my loser in
                       tin foil.