
Joined: May 23, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 109818

Hey soo the names anna..im 14 and a freshman at west genny. i love basketball and lacrosse..but mostly basketball. i love my boyfraannnd and my friends are my lifffe. i have a BEST friiiend and thats mia =) i absolutley looove shopping, my favorite storeees would be american eagle, abercrombie, and marshalls! im obsessseeed with the color purple and zeeebras <3 muuusic is the one thing i never get sick of....and im addicted to fb annnnd i cant live a minute without my phone. juuust askkk for my number welll byyyye<3

Quotes by wgmslax14

only fools fall in love...but i guess i am one of them
i gave up caring a long time ago, but our memories i will always hold onto!!<3333

...i showed it you... the least you could have done was shown it to me. why? you were supposed to be the man in our relaionship... but i guess you werent becuase damn right you didnt show any love to me... talked behind my back every nite.. called my bestie and other girls to talk about me and our relationship.... well guess what now that were over forever you mean nothing to me!!!
why are boys such jerks???

Dear Boy-

talk abput me, wish abiut me, and dream about me... bcuz guess what???  your not ever getting me back again!!!

i remember that friday night you asked me out... and me and my bestie just fell in love with... that same night 5 hours later you told me you loved me.... i remember that day i made the heartbreaking decision to break up with you... i remeber that second friday night you asked me out and i said yes again... and from that moment i said yes you wouldnt stop telling me you loved me... and i remember that short four days later at lunch you patted me on the back and told me ya ummm im not going out with you anymore... watevr were done forever!!... so i hope your happy!!:'/

i think about you everyday... every minute... every second... i just cant get you off my mind!!!
i miss you..., but how could you??? oyu confuse me like crazy boy!!!
your name will always leave a scar on my heart</3
you wonder why i cry?
i wonder why you lie.
you wonder why i ask questions?
i wonder why you look around when you answer.
you wonder why i walked away?
i wonder why you didnt chase me????