
Joined: May 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 171095

hey, my name is mellisa,
i am 14
i dont like to talk to anyone
anymore, my heart was smashed&i cant get over it
i fell for him...
so im going through a huge depression..
hit me up, if u want,
i may not get bak to u, if i dont im sorry

Quotes by mssythetiger

him: hey can i talk to u for a min?
me: uhmmm sure?
him: yeah everyone over there is mad that we r dating
me: no please dont do this, i just told adrienne (my best friend) that i dont want to lose u

i walk away in tears, u smashed my heart when we were camping...u dnt know how i feel, u say u still love me...i can see it in ur eyes...but why realize it?!? we belong! but not in ur mind, no ur to worried bout wat everyone else thinks! </3

am i supose to give up or keep hopeing tht ull come after me nd will ask me out agin?

uhm yeah...i neeed helpp.....
wat do u do when u find out ur boyfriend is cheating on u?

Test ur Tongue

i want you....nd now i have you <3
forever and alwaysss

soccer = my life
forever + always


can someone help me?
all i can think bout is when my ex cheated on me with my SISTER nd i need a boyfriend but i wont get one  </3 my heart will be broken till someone can fix it
i don't think i will ever get another boyfriend cuz im so ugly and no guy would ever like me.....

just when you think its goin good
it turns out BAD!