Joined: February 21, 2013
Last Seen: 6 months
user id: 350887
Location: Canada
Gender: M
I am from Canada, I enjoy writing poems, I am on &, I am a quotes writer and an artist ( I draw and paint) I also work on digital artwork.  I am also an Animal/Human rights activist as well.  Enjoy my quotes and have a good day, cheers!


Quotes by DJ*

"I Love My Family No Matter How Rich Or Poor
 They May Be."


"I Can't Sleep Without The One I Love."

"Don't be a quitter, get back on your
 feet and be more wise."

"Be the inspiration you were always meant to be in life."
"Jealousy is the weakness of our souls, we must believe in ourselves to
   build a stronger soul."

                                                                                                                                    ~ derekajames
"Smile, because you are the best!"

"Believe in success and you will achieve all of your dreams in life."

"Keep shining bright because you know you are
  a lucky shining star always."

"Never allow jealousy of another bring you down,
  Keep shining, keep smiling and doing what
  you do best in life."

"As the year 2015 slowly creeps up on us, we will always keep believing
  in success each year.  Never give up, stay wise and strong, cheers!"

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