
Joined: September 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 124860

Quotes by abbyybee

When a girl hacks a facebook;
OMG uve been hacked!! luv ya<33 xo:))


 When a guy hacks a facebook;
i wanna have fun with (insert guys crush) ;)

is the reason i never pass in homework.

i love how i get more notifications on here in a few minutes,
than i do on facebook in a day.♥

I want a guy
 who will text me good morning and good night.
 who will give me his jacket when im cold.
who wants to talk to me all the time, whether it be on skype, phone calling, or texting.
who will give me something on valentines day.
who will remember our one year.
who will always be there.
But that won't happen, because
Every guy I know is

I just found out
that Tia Mowry is pregnant. I feel old.

why is it,
that as soon as i log out of
i see a quote i want to


okay this isnt going to be pretty. but i kinda need someone to talk to. im going through a rough time right now, so i need someone to talk to about it. thanks.
 whenever i see a girl who looks around my age, i wonder if she has a witty.

                                                                                                   light a
match under my
                                                                            Paper Heart



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