
Joined: June 19, 2011
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 184908
Gender: F

Quotes by EllieB123



& i've been waiting for you for years...

But all I'm reallwaiting for...




"I'm not worried about the future,

It comes soon


-Albert Einstein-

Format by Sandrasaurus

format by sandrasaurus

'I aninja!!'

'No you're not.'

'Oh yeah?!'

*Takeout iPhone andplays fruit ninja*

format by sandrasaurus

I bet Steve...

Get's all the girls because he sees exactly what goes on in their heads every day

Just think about it.

Format by Sandrasaurus

I often find myself wobbling around like a jellyfish and stating the obvious in my 'stupid voice' when people ask me stupid questions.

Day, You'll Get Sick Of Saying That Everything's Alright
Let This Go - Paramore

So, in school yesterday we watched our school's debate team debate.

The girl doing the last speech said "There is a well known song about a duck who goes to a lemonade stand and asks for grapes on three consecutive days. Over this time the man running the stand grew more and more impatient. On the third day, he brings the duck to the store so that he can buy grapes but instead the duck asks for lemonade. The moral of this story? Don't trust ducks."
The topic was 'School students over 15 shouldn't be allowed to work part-time jobs during the school term.'

A Friend tells you when you have food on your face as soon as they see it
A Best Friend waits until you ask why people are staring.

*Hears mom come home.*

*Sprints downstairs.*
"Do you have food?!" 


Today, while I was walking home, I had this crystallising moment and everything was clear.
I should be happy 
I have friends, I can talk to them.
I have good parents.
I have food on the table. 
Things are good.

So, I am happy. Thanks for your help, Wittians.

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