
Joined: February 14, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 101263

Quotes by Danilovesllamas

Okay, so this isn't for likes, faves, or comments, this is me venting, it's not pretty and colourful because I need to tell someone, but I feel like I can't, and this is a safe plae to put it considering no-one knows who I am. 

So, my names Danielle, I'm 16, I'm pretty much I guess you could call me "an average teenager" I love being with my friends all that sort of stuff, yet there's a massive problem, I feel left out, left behind, I mean yeah I have my bestfriend , but its complicated, I'm never invited to anything, I go through my newsfeed and see my "friends" organizing l catch up its holidays, that doesn't bother me as such. But when I'm alone at night. My thoughts start to creep on me, why aren't I close with many people anymore, have I changed am I a bad friend or person? I give up I have no answers, I'm lost for words...

last night I got into an argument with my mum about how I'm being sneaky and secretive, but I can't see it that way, she thinks because one. Of my friends accidently feel pregnant tht I'm next. She doesn't trust me :/ after that argument I cried for 3 hours straight, while in my room in the dark, I attempted 3 times to try and commit sucide, but couldn't do it, I had thoughts running through my head the first time, what would happen if my boyfriend heard the news, you see I don't trust many guys. None at all actually,  I have always had daddy issues, but my bestfriend for 2 years finally beame my boyfriend, it was like a massive fairy tale, he makes me feel things I have never felt before, I feel like I'm flying when I'm with him but  anyway back to my vent, I couldn't think of losing him or leaving him behind, his away on holidays with his friends, I tried calling on blocked number 11 times just to hear his voice. I finally heard it, and hung up, I wheaped,what was I doing? Trying to end my life, it was stupid but at the same time felt like everything I wanted, I wanted the pain to go away, me being ignored at home, I wanted the emptiness and loneliness to be gone, I wanted to be stress free, for the 3 minutes I held my breath to end my life, my life flashed before my eyes. Who was going to find me, my first steps, my first pet ..everything, I still feel lonely now, but then I ccome on witty and I'm like, there is so many other people like me, wow.  

I honestly, wish I had the answer.. I can't keep living it like this, I've lost everyone. Even my parents :/
i want the old witty back, when there was actually insprational quotes and funny quotes and they werent about one direcion, might as well call this page one direction quotes. -really annoyed wittian..


TODAY is  Yesturday's   Tomorrow ♥  (:

• [&&] Boys..
She Wakes Up Every 
  Morning ;Still With a
 Smile on her Face, Does 
Her Hair Perfectly And 
 Makes her Self Look
Pretty ..  Just So You'd
Notice her• ™

Highlight ^^
Minee <3

Dontchaa Know your Beautiful? <3
Roses are Red,
Viloets are Blue,
I Think Yuh`Gave Me 
 Herpe's Type 2 
Class;MATHS :D( My maths class if Funny:D)
Teacher; Stop Drawing on Adams arm Thomas

Adam; His Drawing a Pe.nis

Teacher; At Least you Got one Now!

Really happened xD
soo Funny ;D