Break Up Quote #6319207
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I’m seriously thinking of giving up. In the last two days,


I’m seriously thinking of giving up.

In the last two days, I have lost my best friend, my boyfriend and cut for the first time in weeks.

I thought it was getting better.

I think someone up there is out to get me.



queenmarie 1 decade ago
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No you're not giving up. You're so strong and you've been strong for awhile, you can't give up now. You're going to keep going. Because you're worth fighting for, you're worth seeing it all get better. You're worth it. The longer it takes to get better, the better it will be. You are a beautiful, strong, smart girl and nothing is going to break you, got that? You can do this. I know you can. I believe in you. Don't lose hope just yet. There's so much more you can look for ward to. I promise you you're going to get through this and it will all get better in time, maybe not tomorrow but soon. Happiness is coming your way.
You're beautiful and worth more than harming yourself. I know it's hard to stop cutting but you did it once, you can do it again. You're strong.
I'm always here if you need somebody to talk to, I wont judge or ignore you.
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carlisius 1 decade ago
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Hey, I'm free to talk.
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posted October 8, 2012 at 12:53pm UTC tagged with break up

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